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NV9 SSP to eSSP upgrade

There are two types of NV9 eSSP firmware files: FSP & ESP.

Use FSP if you are using an IF10 in your machine otherwise use ESP, please also check with machine manufacturer to ensure they have an update for eSSP. Your IF10 also needs to be upgraded to eSSP, this can be done using a modified CN292 cable.


Cross the brown and black wires over at one end of the connector, then use validator manager to update the IF10 as you would a validator. Plug in the modified cable into the IF10 (validator side) and the other side into a DA2 unit which is connected to your PC.

If IF10eSSP firmware file you require  is "IF0010103ESSPP02.if1" please contactDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! for full details.

Please note some early IF10's cannot be upgraded and therefore you will need to purchase a new one when ordering please ensure you ask for an eSSP version.